My Magazine Advertisement

sawdust festival

For my magazine advertisement, I wanted to focus on the scenery that surrounds the festival. I chose the California canyons as my background and in order to make the photograph blend well, I used the gradient feather tool. I chose to use a eucalyptus tree as the main focus of my advertisement. In order to just use the frame of the eucalyptus, I used the clipping path tool and then deleted the photograph in order to just see the frame. By doing this, I was able to put a picture of the Sawdust Art Festival’s sign in the center. Since this sign is such a famous part of the festival, I figured it would attract the attention of whoever comes across my advertisement. Instead of just typing “42nd Annual Sawdust Festival” in a traditional textbox, I used the pen tool to create a path above the eucalyptus tree and used the type of a path option to type out the words. Next, for the rest of the text, I chose to make the dates of the festival and the location stand out.

If an advertisement is visually appealing and catches someone’s eye, I feel as though they then look at when and where it is before reading what exactly the advertisement is for. I made the text a gold color so it would go along with the general color scheme of the festival and also made it a similar font that the festival uses. For the rest of the text I made it into two columns instead of one big paragraph. The narrow columns make it seem like there is less text which means that hopefully the audience will be more likely to read it. Finally, I made the stroke of the text box surrounding the text about what the Sawdust Art Festival is and their website very bold. This text box draws the attention of the reader and just incase they do not have enough time to read all the text provided, they can always just check out the website. I imagine my audience to be people who enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and appreciate the arts. With that being said, my advertisement appeals to my intended audience because it’s central focus is the beauty of the canyons and the eucalyptus trees that California is famous for.